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Skills Development and Inclusive Quality Education

Skills Development and Inclusive Quality Education

Focus Area

Promote access to education and skills development for all, focusing on enhancing teaching and learning environments, improving gender equality in schools, and supporting vulnerable learners.

Story Workshop uses radio, the most important means of mass- communication in Malawi, to disseminate information, stimulate debate and to promote progress. Although close to 40% of the overall adult population (and 50% of women) cannot read, more than 80% have access to radio. A recent USAID report showed that more than 60% of those with access listen to Story Workshop programs regularly, which means that Story Workshop programs reach more than 6 million listeners each week. Our radio programs take a number of formats, depending on audience and message. However, we are relentlessly committed to the belief that information must fit the social context of a community in order to be effective.